
Shop on your own personal budget!

Hey GABbers,

How is everybody doing?

When I was younger, my mom had a monthly spending allowance for me in her budget. I really used to love when she gave me that certain amount of money per month to spend on what I needed. It taught me about budgeting my money. Whether I was spending it on clothing or personal items, or just saving it. The good thing about learning how to spend only as much as she gave me was that it taught me how to be cheap! Ha! Ha! No, I'm just joking; it was more than a little money. But really it made me be wise on how I purchased items, staying within my reach.

I seemed to get more because I would look for good deals. Though I did try to save, sometimes I ended up spending more with the money on my hands. Having an allowance at such a young age gave me a sense of control and responsibility. Here and there though I liked to go to the dollar store and spend it on silly things that might have fascinated me or candy. But, all in all, it forced me to make better judgements on spending.

So, maybe if we all incorporated a good spending budget and stuck with it we'd see results that show some control. When you have control over your spending habits you will not go over your credit card limits or wonder why your statement was so high. I think when you have a good amount of money coming in per month, setting limits for yourself will help you to be a smart shopper and keep within your price range. You will be able to tell yourself, "No," even if it's something you would really like to have. Let's get in the habit of listening to that voice within. It will tell you when you're making a not-so-wise choice. Becoming more realistic with ourselves, knowing what money is available and what's not, we become more practical spenders.

I know it may take some time for me to accomplish better spending habits. We should be patient with ourselves in developing good budgets.

That's all for now, GABbers. Shop tell you drop! Just kidding. Ha! Ha!


Steven said...

Hey Gwen,
This reminds me ofthe first time I went to Disney World. I was 7 years old and every little thing I saw I want, anything from ice cream, toys, clothing, you name it. Well my parents said everyday they would give me 7 dollars, I could spend it on what ever I want. But if they bought ice cream, we would have it as a group and they wouldn't charge me. At the end of my 7 day vacation I had 49 dollars, I didn't spend a dime. My parents felt so bad they went out and bought me many of the things I wanted. So in the end i learned how to budget, but I never got the whole spending the money down.

Sierra said...

Hey Gwen,
That is great that you learned something at a young age and learned how to apply it to your life throughout the years.