

Hey everyone,

I always have kept a good amount of my money in the basic saving and checking accounts. But a large portion of my money I like to put else where to see if I can get a high return rate. For a few years I would take one of my paychecks and put it into different stocks. I made alot of money on a few different stocks, but I also lost alot of money in other ones. In the end I pretty much just broke even. All now of days noones stocks are doing good so I think I may stay away from them. I also decide to put some of my money into CDs, basically bank accounts with high interest but your not allowed to touch the money for a certain amount of time. Which worked out really well, the only problem is deciding how long to buy a CD for. One year doesn't seem like alot but when you want to buy something big, you miss having that money around. Lately I tried bonds, I bought I bonds which change with the US economy and EE bonds which double in value over several years. In the end EE bonds took to long to mature and I bonds where to unpredictable. So right now I have all my money in a savings account. What do you guys think is the best decision for me to get the most bang for my buck. But after college ( about two and a half years from now) I plan to buy my first house, so the money should be available then. Any ideas.


Abby Campbell said...

Well if you want the money for two years from now your best bet is to put it in a cd i would assume. Nothing is paying a good interest rate right now so it kind of sucks but if you are going to need it here and there there is a savings account with ING Direct and they pay pretty good interest rates and you don't need a minimum amount in the account. I have one and its really nice because it is linked right to my checking account and whenever i want to either put money in or take it out of the savings account its really easy to do so.

Sierra said...

Well Steven, I have no clue of how to instantly make your money mature without risks. I wish I did know. But, I do think I will take your idea of putting a whole paycheck into a stock. Im curious to how lucky I will be.

Gwen Oloto said...

Hi Steven,

Sorry to you and everyone that I have not been as active on my blogs lately. Life has set me back for a short period. I also keep it safe when it comes to money. I only have a checkings account and savings to. I glad your trying to figure out a new way on how to make more money. But I don't have any advise on that right now. But you seem to be on the right track just keep asking around you'll find a solution. Great post!