

So this past week when I finished my brochure I handed them out to some friends my age and relatives that I have that are in middle and high school. My cousins actually asked me for more information on saving and budgeting. I am surprised at all the people out there who have no money saved up and have no idea on how to save. I told her what I am doing with the SECU and she was really surprised there were these types of programs out there. So I gave her information on my loan brochure and also on how to save and what the best ways are. I showed her the SECU website and told her the new young adult website that was coming out soon and she can't wait to use it. My friend and I the other day were sitting outside talking and she was stressing about college and how she was going to pay her tuition this year. She has a subsidized loan through the government but she really did not know anything about it because her mom was mostly taking care of that. She had no idea she didn't have to pay interest back until 6 months after graduation. Needless to say I taught her somethings that day. Its such a great feeling knowing that we as gabbers are learning new information to empower friends and family members. 


Natasha B. said...

Wow! A brochure. That's cool. I wish I could see it... Miss you guys~

Gwen Oloto said...

Hey Abby,
I did a brochure too and handed mine out too! People at my job were so amazed with the information I put in mine and they were looking foward to recieve there free Annual Credit Report. They said to me that they hope they have a good report and told me how some of them never checked to see there personal report and were happy they recieved some info on how to even get a credit report. It was great to see my friends and family so proud of me and it really made me feel good.I also suggested they look at the new site and told them about the different and helpful information they could learn about SECU. This is such a fun and creative way to reach out to others to help people be more informed. Iam so excited on how the next out reach project going to teach us and others. I glad to here you made such an impact on your friends and family good job! Empowering others is so important, we make a difference even if its just a few people.

Abby Campbell said...

Gwen, about how many people did you hand out the brochure too? I am also so surprised how many people that are around 20 and even older who didn't know what types of loans are out there and have been wasting money for a long time! Did you feel the same was talking to your co-workers and family?

Sierra said...

I agree. This program is helping us reach out to peers our age and give them helpful information that they may not have had access to. I love the idea of a brochure. Did people actual start applying the information that you incorporated in the brochure to their actual life?

Danielle said...

I am in the process of setting up a workshop on student loans and trying to figure out what their all about and how they are different...maybe you can work with us on this for one of your next outreach projects!