
Learning To Live According To My Means

Hello my fellow Gabbers,
Lately I have been under alot of stress. I was forced to move out of my mother's house and live with my father due to the fact that me and my mom were not getting along. At the age of 19, day to day I have been learning the true value of a dollar and how to mange it wisely. I have applied the techniques that everyone has mentioned in their blogs. I have opened up a saving account to earn interest on my money and I have applied for a credit card so that I may start establishing credit. I had to start somewhere, by reading every one's post I thought that the best time to start managing my finances was now. I no longer have my mother in my ear telling me what to do step by step.
Growing up in a household where learning how to write a check was a tell me/ guide me sort of thing. I was never taught the simple financial aspects of life. If I had received birthday money from family or friends, my mother would put it in an account and I would never see it again. Now, I am in charge of everything. Taxes, savings, bills, school etc.
Hopefully by reading and interacting with my fellow Gabbers, I can learn more techniques and teach other youth in my same situation the smart ways to manage their money.


Danielle said...

It sounds like a stressful time for you, but it appears as though you are doing allthe right things!

while you are establishing credit, just make sure you don't fall into the credit card debt trap! :) It's easy when you are all of a sudden placed into a new situation.

Thanks for sharing!

Kim Poole said...

Hey Sierra,
Your situation is all too fimiliar to me. I can relate in more ways than I would like to share. In all you do remember that now is the time for you to prove to yourself that you can financially take care of yourself. This is your initiation into womanhood! In case no one has said this... Welcome to the club!