
Focus group project

I am working on the focus group project and surpisingly the credit union I have, has a whole page dedicated to young adults, now it is not as good as SECU's page it is decent and it has a good bit of information. The bank I had has a very difficult website to navigate and nothing seems to be avalible to young adults. I was very surprised actually, I thought the bank would cater to young adults more, I guess I figured banks are where most people start but I guess I was wrong.
I did a little more researching on a few other websites and I found the same results the credit unions had much more information than the banks did for young adults. I guess as long as you can get into a credit union that is a great start for young people they offer a lot of information and lots of good opportunities.
Overall both types of institutions probably offer great programs for young adults but the best way to attract young people is by having information online. Most people that I talk to say they do not like calling or going into businesses without researching online first. This being said most people probably pass right by a bank or credit union that does not offer information for young people online.


Gwen Oloto said...

Hey Abby,

I agree that all Banks should have information that will help young adults to. If I was interested in putting my money in a certain bank and there were no resources from the bank to go by than I wouldn't wast my time with that bank. Credit Unions are more caring and resourcful when it comes to young adults. Great post!

Abby Campbell said...

Thanks Gwen, did you notice the same results with your bank and credit union for the focus group project?

Sierra said...

Great research Abby!I got the same results with my bank. They didn't have alot of information for young adults.