

Hey everyone,

I always have kept a good amount of my money in the basic saving and checking accounts. But a large portion of my money I like to put else where to see if I can get a high return rate. For a few years I would take one of my paychecks and put it into different stocks. I made alot of money on a few different stocks, but I also lost alot of money in other ones. In the end I pretty much just broke even. All now of days noones stocks are doing good so I think I may stay away from them. I also decide to put some of my money into CDs, basically bank accounts with high interest but your not allowed to touch the money for a certain amount of time. Which worked out really well, the only problem is deciding how long to buy a CD for. One year doesn't seem like alot but when you want to buy something big, you miss having that money around. Lately I tried bonds, I bought I bonds which change with the US economy and EE bonds which double in value over several years. In the end EE bonds took to long to mature and I bonds where to unpredictable. So right now I have all my money in a savings account. What do you guys think is the best decision for me to get the most bang for my buck. But after college ( about two and a half years from now) I plan to buy my first house, so the money should be available then. Any ideas.


Shop on your own personal budget!

Hey GABbers,

How is everybody doing?

When I was younger, my mom had a monthly spending allowance for me in her budget. I really used to love when she gave me that certain amount of money per month to spend on what I needed. It taught me about budgeting my money. Whether I was spending it on clothing or personal items, or just saving it. The good thing about learning how to spend only as much as she gave me was that it taught me how to be cheap! Ha! Ha! No, I'm just joking; it was more than a little money. But really it made me be wise on how I purchased items, staying within my reach.

I seemed to get more because I would look for good deals. Though I did try to save, sometimes I ended up spending more with the money on my hands. Having an allowance at such a young age gave me a sense of control and responsibility. Here and there though I liked to go to the dollar store and spend it on silly things that might have fascinated me or candy. But, all in all, it forced me to make better judgements on spending.

So, maybe if we all incorporated a good spending budget and stuck with it we'd see results that show some control. When you have control over your spending habits you will not go over your credit card limits or wonder why your statement was so high. I think when you have a good amount of money coming in per month, setting limits for yourself will help you to be a smart shopper and keep within your price range. You will be able to tell yourself, "No," even if it's something you would really like to have. Let's get in the habit of listening to that voice within. It will tell you when you're making a not-so-wise choice. Becoming more realistic with ourselves, knowing what money is available and what's not, we become more practical spenders.

I know it may take some time for me to accomplish better spending habits. We should be patient with ourselves in developing good budgets.

That's all for now, GABbers. Shop tell you drop! Just kidding. Ha! Ha!


Opposites Do Attract

Opposites Do Attract

Hey everyone sorry I’ve been slacking on my comments lately, with 4 summer classes and a new job as an MSR I’ve been so busy I forgot all about posting to the website. But while being so busy I found a little time for hang out with friends. Yet I began to notice something with two of my friends whom just some happen to be dating. The difference in how each of them spend there money. Now both of them have part time jobs with about the same pay and same amount of hours weekly. Even though you would think there savings account would be about equal they are totally different. The women of the relationship never would buy anything for herself only for her boyfriend. And just things that he wants, but things that she thinks he may want, no matter what the price. She has no problem spending her money for entertainment like going to six flags or to the movie. Yet now she can’t due to her spending habits, her bank statement had 2 cents in her checking and 20 dollars in her savings. Now you would think the man would be exactly the same way, but it’s totally opposite. He too did not want to spend his money, not because of lack of funds just lack of wanting to spend his own money. Also he had every little knowledge of how to spend his money wisely. He had applied for over 15 credit cards and had been turned down for every single one. Also he feel paying at a discount was stupid, and would wait for a sale to be over with before he bought the product. So in the relationship we had one person who knew a lot about the concept of money, but could not hold back when she thought someone she loved wanted something. And other who had no concept of how to budget his money, but didn’t want anything unless someone else paid.
Does anyone know someone like either one of these people, or have any ideas how to get their savings account some what equal?


Hi Everyone!
Well I just recently finished my research on loan traps and quite frankly it can be a little scary for us young people out there. There are some companies that think that all college students really don't pay attention and in turn they try to take advantage of us. So because of this we have to educate as many people as we can so the big companies can not get away with trapping students in debt that is not necessary.

One of the biggest ways that college students get trapped is by taking out too much money. Lenders will offer a bigger amount than is usually needed knowing that the younger generation loves to spend and not save. So in turn the lenders believe that by giving them extra money they won't be able to make all the payments on time and allows the lender to charge late fees. 

Not all companies do this and there are a lot of trusted banks and lenders that are responsible and do not try to take advantage of students but there are still a lot out there that do. Being of the younger generation we really need to take a stand against those lenders that do and teach students from a young age how to be responsible and know what types of student loans are the best. 


Buying a New set of Wheels!

Hey everyone,
So I have been planning on buying a new set (at least for me) of wheels for a couple years now. My ol' Toyota Corolla just keeps on chuggin' along- so I have been pushing out the threat of a car payment for a lot longer than I anticipated!

There are a few things that I know I want, and then a few things that I am not so sure about, so maybe you all can help me!

I know I want:

  • A used car between 2005 and 2008 (I will consider lower if its a jag :))
  • Good gas mileage (but of course)
  • sun roof (I appreciate the sunburnt scalp)
  • leather seats (dog hair will not stick!)
  • trunk space
  • automatic transmission (I like manual, but I tend to roll backwards too often)
  • 4 doors (trapping my back seat passengers is not my thing)
  • Colors: Black or dark red
  • Toyota, Honda, Mazda, or Nissan

I am not sure about:

  • V6 Engine-does this mess with your gas mileage abilities?? I don't really know what this means anyway
  • Buying from a dealer or private seller
  • If I want to spend $10000 o r$15000
  • If I am currently getting ripped off on my car insurance
  • If I want black lights under my car (OK, just kidding)

What do you all think?

Has anyone bought a car recently? How did you decide what to choose? Did you take out a loan? What kind of marketing as it relates to cars and loans draws you in?