
Outreach on loans

So lately I have been thinking of the best way to get my information on loans out to young people. I have looked at all the options and I have decided the best way to get my information out there is by doing a brochure. On each panel I will explain a different type of loan and the pro's and con's of each. I figure after I make the brochures I will hand them out in the downtown Frederick area. It is a very popular place for young people to hang out. 
Also I just finished a book by Suze Orman called Women and Money and it was very good. I would encourage everyone interested in learning about different aspects of the financial world to read one of her many books. Her books are very easy to understand and also very interesting. She also has a show that airs on CNBC, which is very informative. Her books can probably help everyone out with their research topics because she covers everything from loans to budgeting. 


Steven said...

Hey Abby,
Great idea aboutthe brochures and hanging them out in downtown Frederick area. I was thinking about doing a brochure also but handing them out around my college. But the idea to hand out brochures where teens like to hang out is a great idea, at college they may get lost in the binders and books students need to carry. I may do the same thing and pass out brochures in Annapolis. Thanks for the idea.

Kim Poole said...

Hye Abby
I think I will pick up a copy of the book Women and money... What other text would you recommend?

Sierra said...

Hi Abby,
Passing out brochure to teens are a cool idea but we all know what happens to loose papers in public. They wind up on the ground or maybe in someone's trash can. So, to assure that the youth will actually read the literature we should make them interested by offering a monetary prize of some sort that can be given out to the person with the winning number at the bottom of the brochure or to someone with the best article of response. The youth could log into Gen Y and write about the knowledge that the acquired from the brochure. Establish a link to our website where the youth can participate, it can publicize Gen Y along with getting the youth involved with the outreach to loans and financial information. This idea will hopefully make young people hold onto the literature and read it. With all of this offered, they will probably refer the brochure to their friends and family. Its sort of a trick.....I know I would want that brochure then!

Abby Campbell said...

Those are all great ideas Sierra and I will defintely try those ideas out. And I have not read any other of Suze Ormans books so i don't know exactly what to recommend but I am sure all of her books are great. I have read about a few online at her website so if you go to http://www.suzeorman.com/ you can read all about her books.

Gwen Oloto said...

Hello Abby,
I 'am definitly going to read and look for that book that will be helpful in our future research. Thanks for the info! I'am trying to figure out which way would be best to show my topic to the public. I just moved and I've been so busy. This is my first place and moving with my two kids is alot of work. It's good to be finally in my new place but it's stressful. It's going to take some getting used too.If anyone knows some techinqs that can take some stess away please tell me.

Danielle said...

I love the brochure idea!! I can't wait to see it! Let me know if you need assistance with printing.

I am a big fan of Suze Orman also, I have read two of her books: Women and Money along with Young, Fabulous, and Broke... which is perfect for all of us!!