
Better Late Then Never

So yeah it's late, thats what happens when your computer is from the stone age. BUT since we are talking about financial decisions i am working 2 jobs and going to college so i can save up for a labtop that actually works! It was wonderful meeting everyone the other day and i must say dave and busters is a fun place. I think i ended up with over 2,000 tickets!! Woo Hoo for me :) well hope to hear from everyone soon!
PS. my project is on identity theft so if anyone knows anything or has any personal experiences let me know! :)
<3, Candi


Danielle said...

It was nice to meet you Candi, did you get anything cool with those 2000 tickets?

You have a really interesting topic as Identity Theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S. You may want to check on the credit bureau websites to see what information they may have on prevention etc. We also love hearing personal stories, so ask your parents or friends. Feel free to have them comment on this blog as well!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Callahan:

It's great that you and others will be giving serious thought to the issues of identify theft. Indeed, it's a big problem. But, there are many things that can be done to avoid falling victim to a stolen identity. I ran across your initial posting through a search, and will check back again to see what you've found, including (perhaps) new resources, etc.

As you begin your journey on discussions regarding identify theft, permit me to mention the United States' Federal Trade Commission's site on identify theft. They offer some very informative and valuable information and resources. I would encourage you to take a look at this site, particularly for information that you may wish to share with others. It may be a great place (and a credible site) to gather important "nuggets" of information. It would be great to get your perspective and commentary on issues raised by the Federal Trade Commission.

Another site that may be of value to you is the United States Department of Justice's "Identity Theft and Identify Fraud" site. Here, somewhat similar to the US Trade Commission site, is information on common ways that identify theft and fraud are done, how to avoid becoming a victim of identify theft, what one should do if you do become a victim, and lots of other valuable information.

And, yet another (among our federal U.S. governmental agencies) is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's site on Identity Theft and Fraud. They have some "good stuff" regarding electronic "phishing scams," safe Internet banking, among others.

I hope the above information is helpful. I'm sure that information is also available directly from SECU, as they are very proactive on helping individuals avoid "theft" problems. I look forward to seeing additional information and dialog that you'll be providing. This is an excellent opportunity to inform others.

Kudos to you and SECU for doing this. Thanks.

Dr. T.

Brittany G said...

You and I have the same topic. Let me know if you find any good web pages if you don't mind. Thanks

Natasha B. said...

Candi and Brittany~ click on the Identity Theft link on the newsreel located on the blog homepage. There's some interesting stories about ID theft in the news right now.

Steven said...

Hey Candi,
You have a very interesting topic that effects several people in the world everyday, but almost noone worries about it until it happens to them. I've been through identify theft just last year. Where someone figured out my credit card information and used it to buy things from gas to video games to Mcdonalds. Luckly after the problem was discovered they were able to arrest the man who did it. I lucked out and everything was paid back to me but I always wonder what would have happened if we didnt realize the missing funds a few days later.

Priscilla said...

Hey Candi,

It was nice meeting you at Dave and Busters. Identity Theft is a pretty cool topic. There are many stories I remember watching on Dateline NBC about that topic. Try typing "Dateline NBC identity theft" into a search engine, such as google.

Sierra said...

Dave and Busters was very cool. Everyone had fun getting to know eachother and playing games. I wanna know how did you end up with so many tickets?...the games I was playing only gave me about 12 every time.

Anyways...your topic Identity Theft seems very interesting. Can wait to read your post.