
Happy New Year Gen Y

You Can Improve Your Credit this Year

The New Year has started off great, and I’m glad to be moving forward into 2009. It’s a new beginning for us. Change has happened in America when voters took their stand with pride and elected our new president, whom many admire. Change can be hard and challenging. However, it’s all in how we approach it that is key. Some of us may jump right in and others take our time; some don’t face it at all. But I caution you not to take the latter approach in regards to improving your credit.

I did some research and came across some valuable information. Did you know that 60% of people smell their feet? No, just kidding! What I found is that 60% percent of us have a credit score of less than 750. Not having an excellent score is no big deal, but it shows that for most of us there’s room for improvement.

And who doesn’t want to improve? It’s so much fun! (I’m kidding again!) I realize this will not be true for some of us who just want to dig a hole in the ground and hide from our shortcomings. Just remember, think about improving your credit score as a work in progress. You can get to 750, with time.

First, take a look at the positive things in your credit history. Write them down. Next, write down those shoulda, coulda, wouldas, such as if only I had paid my bills on time … yatta, yatta. Now, take it all in (breathe), then let it all out (exhale). - No screaming allowed! - It’s a New Year. Let the New Year bring some welcome change.

This is an intensive process but with change as your goal, start with some small, less stressful, steps. And try to visualize your success. What will it take to get to where you want to be?

Take it a step further. Smell success. It isn’t a sour smell like your big toe, but as fresh as a breeze at the seashore!


Abby Campbell said...

This is a great post, and now is the best time to really take charge of your credit and make a change. The best way to do it is face the fact that your credit might not be the best but working to achieve better credit is the best thing to do. I hope that with the new year instead of everyones New Years resolutions being to lose weight it should be to improve their credit.

Steven said...

Good Post, alot of people love to spend money yet alot of people forget all about that little credit score. A better credit score not only helps you get loans but can also help you get a good job. Come to think of it I have no idea what my credit score is.. maybe its a good time to check with the begining of the year.

Kim Poole said...

Hey Gwen,
Your post was so motivating. "Almost like, Man if BARACK CAN BE PRESIDENT MAYBE I CAN INCREASE MY CREDIT SCORE" LOL

Sierra said...

Man after reading that I would definitely like to improve my credit score in 2009. I can smell the change in financial freedom just like I can smell my big toe.Lol