
T'was the night before College Scene 1

INT. Steve’s Bedroom - DAY


Steve is alone in his bedroom packing up belongings to leave for college. He stops packing for a moment and looks down at his visa envelop enclosing his new Pre-approved credit card. He begins to daydream about all the things he’ll buy once away from his penny-pinching parents that won’t allow him to wear the latest clothing or have an expensive car and doses off to sleep. Then, he awakes in a day-dream where he will meet three different characters that will educate him on the dangers of over spending and save his financial life.

He hears his favorite song on the radio and jumps off his bed to turn up the volume, sing along, and imitate a guitar player.

“Good Charlotte: Girls Don’t like Boys Girls like cars and money”

The door opens abruptly startling Steve, and the Ghost of Lil Wayna quickly enters the room. She walks directly to his radio and pushes power. Her face is stern as she looks into Steve’s eyes.

You scared me to death! Who are you, how did you get into my [Pausing] wait a minute, are you Lil Wayna?

Lil Wayna

Cha Ching Cha Ching Bling Bling

Who did you think I was

I’m the #1 stunner

Steve and Lil Wayna

Wah what wah What


Oh my Gosh! I love your music. I’ve always wanted to be the #1 stunner and bling bling like you and your crew. [Excited] Man you had Platinum Teeth, Gold rings, then gold fingers, and legs and then there was this thing on the news about you dying because you tried to make your heart gold and then… WAIT your dead your dead your dead your dead.. How did a dead person get in my room.. Oh my God.. Am I dead too

Lil Wayna
Chill-lax lil woody. Do I look dead to you. I’m here because I’m about to save my biggest fan from making a some big mistakes. Ya Heard me! Come on lil Whoody you got some stuff you need to see.

Where are we.. This isn’t my bedroom. How did I get here. Wait that’s me when I was younger. I’m getting beat up by that little rich kid bully that lived on our block. We’ve gotta go help me!

Lil Wayna
Slow ya role lil Whoody, They can’t see you. Your in the past.

But But, I need to help me [Pause] I don’t even know why that lil rich kid didn’t like me anyway. He had everything, all the latest games, gear, anything he wanted. I just don’t get it

Lil Wayna
Dah.. He was jealous of you fool.. He had all that money, but he didn’t have parents like yours that cared for a lil Whoody. He thought that you were rich… cha ching Material things can’t buy you happiness lil Whoody. Your parents tell you to budget cause they love ya

Your wrong lil Wayna, I’m not gonna be like you and have a golden heart transplant. My parents are just cheap and ordinary. When I get to college I’m gonna have all the girls and all the credit cards I need to keep them. All I’ve ever wanted to be was cool and rich like him, Cool and rich like him.. Cool and rich like him.. [Fades out]

INT. Steve’s Bedroom - DAY


Steve seemingly wakes up from his day-dream in his bedroom and resumes packing up belongings to leave for college. He again stops packing for a moment and looks down at his visa envelop enclosing his new Pre-approved credit card. He ignores Lil Wayna’s advice about treasuring his parents budgeting habits etc and Sweet-N-Sour climb into his window.


Tell me I’m not still dreaming.. Who are you. First lil Wayna and now this.. I don’t even know who you are. Get out of my room


I’m sweet


And I’m Sour


It was rhetorical.. I don’t care about your names.. I just want to know how you go in my room. No better yet, just leave


Kim Poole said...

Hey Guys.. What do you think.. should I keep going with this one or start another idea?

Sierra said...

Now will Lil. Wayne be giving a guest appearance during our recording?