
Excuse to post wedding pics

Hey GABbers!!
Did you miss me??? Or maybe you forgot I was even gone! Anyway, I am back from my wedding and my honeymoon (and an extremely long road trip back from Minnesota)... and back to work!

I came back with a lot of fun gifts and memories, but there is also another thing that me and my new hubby came back with.. anyone? anyone?

NEW DEBT!!!!!!! AH!!!!!
It took us a while to reduce our credit card debt from past lives and lo and behold we are in uncomfortable territory. The good thing is, we have a plan and we'll be fine. We made the choice to splurge a little bit because it was our wedding. We probably didn't have to pay $800 for an Excursion Limo, $500 for a fairly small cake, $800 for a photo booth, $700 on cigars, $500 on hair for all the bridesmaids, 2nd dress for late night bar hopping.. and the list can go on.

So my question for you all.. if and when you choose to get married, how will you go about the potential massive cash that goes along with it?

1. Hope your family will pay for it
2. Start saving now--even if you don't know who you want to marry
3. Have a frugal wedding (think back yard BBQ)
4. Have a small wedding
5. Go all out---afterall this is your big day!!!
6. Splurge on a few things that you feel are important (examples please)

Thanks and its good to be back!!!



Hey Gabbers,

Okay so recently I looked at my 401K and wanted to cry. Pretty much 90 percent of my money was put into stocks. And for those of you that have been following how the stock make is going. Well lets just say it wasn't pretty. So I decide to look into other forms of saving for the old me.

Now i didn't know much about them before, but I started looking into IRAs. Individual Retirement Accounts. Now there are several different types of IRAs but the two main types i found were Traditional and Roth. Now they both are good, but depending on your income depends on which one is best for you.

Traditional IRAs is an account in which money is taken for your paycheck before taxes and place directly into a savings account. Now the funds are not takes when they are taken from your paycheck but are taxed when you withdraw them when you decide to retire (starting at 59.5 years old). Now the funds and interest will both be taxed but at that time you will be in a low tax bracket.Now Roth IRAs is money that as already been taxed. Yet the interest you earn through out the years is completely tax free.

Now you can put $5000 a year into an IRA account, and can not with draw it until you react retirement. Now starting to put money into IRA account early in life can save you several thousands of dollars, and save you for paying those horrible taxes.

It may seem early but saving for your future now will help in the long run.


Start Small

Hey GABbers,

How is everybody doing? I'm o.k.

My topic for my research was Establishing Credit. There are two ways I will discuss for building credit history.

The first way is by owning a cell phone and paying the charges on it each month. Many young adults may not realize they will be building their credit when they get a cell phone. So we may gain credit history in the working without even knowing. Your credit report will show details on how you've been paying your bills back and on time (and hopefully you have been).

The next way is also a great way to build your credit history. Apply for a credit card. Often you can get one with cheaper interest rates at a credit union. But you may need a co-signer. You and your co-signer will have to show proof of your income. As long as your co-signer can trust you to stay within an agreed-upon limit, you should have no problem.

A lot of young adults like to have a credit card to use instead of cash. Besides, having one helps to create some independence that we deserve and enjoy.

These are two simple things that will help us to establish a pattern of good credit history.


Focus group project

I am working on the focus group project and surpisingly the credit union I have, has a whole page dedicated to young adults, now it is not as good as SECU's page it is decent and it has a good bit of information. The bank I had has a very difficult website to navigate and nothing seems to be avalible to young adults. I was very surprised actually, I thought the bank would cater to young adults more, I guess I figured banks are where most people start but I guess I was wrong.
I did a little more researching on a few other websites and I found the same results the credit unions had much more information than the banks did for young adults. I guess as long as you can get into a credit union that is a great start for young people they offer a lot of information and lots of good opportunities.
Overall both types of institutions probably offer great programs for young adults but the best way to attract young people is by having information online. Most people that I talk to say they do not like calling or going into businesses without researching online first. This being said most people probably pass right by a bank or credit union that does not offer information for young people online.


Credit 101: Journey to Financial Literacy Day 5

Good evening class,
Welcome to the fifth day on our journey to financial literacy. Today we will be transitioning into a new chapter of Credit. Today's class will demand copious note taking, as it will review our entire first chapter of credit reports. If you are serious about surviving this Great depression our economy has entered, than save this post in your documents as a record. No Farts and Giggles today class, we have a lot of review material to cover. Is your thinking cap on? Well here it goes

"Your credit report is an official record of money you have borrowed and repaid in the past, including information about late payments, criminal records and bankruptcy. You can see information about credit cards you have opened, loans you have taken out, and who has asked for your credit report.

Companies that loan money look at your credit report to determine your ability to pay back your debts on time. This is known as your credit rating.

It is important to know your history because:

Banks use that information to decide who gets loans
Landlords use it to decide who they will rent to
Employers can use it to decide whether or not to hire you

Key Terms:

Credit Bureau : a company that keeps track of people’s personal credit information. They build your credit report

Credit History: another word for your credit report

Credit Score : an actual number that banks and lending associations use to decide whether or not they want to lend you money. The score reflects your spending and repayment habits

Credit Report: your official record of borrowing and repaying, including information about late payments and bankruptcy
Identity Theft : pretending to be someone else by stealing their personal information. This is usually done to use someone else’s credit, or to blame them for a crime

you have the right to order a free copy of your own credit report every year from each of the three major credit bureaus below.

1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742)


Trans Union

Order your copy online or call the Annual Credit Report Request Service (877) 322-8228.


Quick fixes: Beware of companies or services that promise to fix your credit quickly. They can be dishonest and expensive. No one can speed up the process. The only solution for credit problems is to get out of them by paying off your debt on time.
Debt restructuring: Never sign a contract or other "credit payment plan agreement" except with a reliable counseling service, such as a nonprofit. Be careful about agreeing to "debt restructuring plans." Their plans may lower your monthly payments but they will extend the length of time it will take to pay off all of your debts. Your total debt amount can grow from additional finance charges. Many people get deeper into debt after restructuring because they didn't understand the terms of the debt consolidation agreement.

Credit Fraud: Do not work with any agency that offers to change your Social Security number to get a new credit identity. Changing your Social Security number to avoid debt is fraud and a federal crime. A company that suggests for you to do that is performing an illegal activity. You could be arrested for following the company's advice. If a company offers to change your Social Security number, report it to the

What are the benefits of having a good credit rating?

A good credit rating:
Makes it easier to get loans with good terms
Makes it easier to get credit cards
Is important if you want to buy a home

A poor credit rating:
Makes it hard for you to get credit
Means you will probably pay higher interest rates on loans
Means you may be turned down for a job
Means you may not be able to rent an apartment

Getting your credit report is a good way to check for identity theft or errors. Check for the following:
Your personal information -- name, social security number, birthday, etc. -- is correct

Make sure all listed credit card reports are actually yours. This is where you can scan for identity theft if someone else has illegally opened an account with your name

Are there court orders against you?
Be sure you recognize past requests for your credit report. Make sure the requests come from companies with whom you usually do business.
If you find any mistakes, contact the credit bureau immediately. You could be saving yourself thousands of dollars or more just by requesting and reading your free report.

Fixing Credit Report Mistakes
If you see a mistake in your credit report, you should fix it right away. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Contact the credit bureau.
All 3 credit bureaus let you file a statement of dispute online or on the phone. The credit bureau will investigate the mistake.

Equifax: Call (800) 685-1111 or file online.
Experian: Call (888) 397-3742 or file online.
TransUnion: Call (800) 916-8800 or file online.

2. Contact the creditor that made the mistake.
If you think the credit company made a mistake in their reporting, you can contact them directly. They should have records for your entire account history. They can help you fix the problem.

3. Get your credit report from other credit bureaus to double check.
If one of the credit bureaus has mistakes, the other 2 probably have mistakes too. You can get free copies of your credit report to double check.

4. Make sure the mistake is fixed.
The credit bureau should respond within 1 month. If you haven’t heard from them, call. Make sure you get a free copy of the report with corrections. Double check the report when you get it!

5. Follow up with companies who saw the incorrect report.
Ask the credit bureau to send the updated version to creditors who saw your report during the last 6 months. If you tried to get insurance, call the company back and ask for another estimate. If the problem you fixed is important enough, you could get a better insurance score and lower insurance rates.

6. What to do when a mistake isn’t fixed:
If a credit bureau disagrees with your dispute and doesn’t make the correction, you can add a personal statement to your credit report. A personal statement is a short, written explanation of your side of the story. This statement is your chance to explain any credit problems on your report. It’s usually less than 100 words.
In some states, insurance companies are not allowed to use credit problems against you if you have a dispute and a personal statement on your credit report.

Helpful Hints
Have the credit report in front of you when you call. This will help you answer questions.
Get your records and statements together. If you know you’ve paid on time or in full, make copies of statements or canceled checks.
Make copies of everything you send to creditors or credit bureaus. Get proof from the post office through certified mail or priority mail. Keep copies of fax receipts.


What a mouthful... Now be sure to copy and paste this infor into word for your future reference; you will need it for future homework assignments. Last class we discussed our Credit Report Restoration plan and the importance of step one and changing your thinking. Next post we will revisit this topic briefly before going into a broader look at Credit.

Class dismissed

Coupon Clipping Club

Press Release -

This Just In: On Monday October 6, 2008 the society of penny pinching college students have announced the induction of ABBY the GABBY into the Coupon Clipping Club. On behalf of us all, Welcome with a capital WE. Now that you are officially a member of the team, below we have given you the Sacred Saving Secrets Scroll for our Baltimore division. Prepare to find many free and discounted items all through our area. Be sure to share these saving tips with all of your blogging friends...

1. Baltimore Area entertainment Coupon Book -

Just a $25 purchase every year will save you hundreds of hard earned dollars. The Baltimore Entertainment Coupon Book can be purchased from a local school or community group all throughout the year. Savings for dining, shopping, travel, and entertainment can be found for most any business in the Baltimore metropolitan area.

2. www.Retail me not.com -

If you love shopping online, than www.retailmenot.com is for you. This Sacred Savings Secret has coupons and discounts for any store that allows online purchasing. Before you begin shopping on the internet, visit this site and watch the savings roll in.

3. Baltimore Free Store

Baltimore free store promotes recycling and reuse to help alleviate the traumas of poverty and to involve communities in work together to fill their own needs. For a store nearest and monthly calendar visit www.freestorebaltimore.org (who knew you could shop vintage for free!!)

4. Maryland Produce Giveaway Program -

A consistent supply of fresh foods – available from local community food providers or from direct distribution sites are located in different locations across the city. The best news... IT'S FREE ! To find a site new you email Harrison@ mdfoodbank.org, shaia@mdfoodbank.org or call 410-737-8282 ext 249

5. Free Legal Services -

The Legal Aid Bureau, Inc. is a private, non-profit, multi-funded law firm providing free legal services to low-income people statewide. Legal Aid serves Baltimore City and Maryland's 23 counties from 13 office locations. Legal Aid is an independent, 501(c)3 charitable organization that receives funding from federal, state and local governments, the United Way and other private sources.

6. Free Credit Counseling -

This post just wouldn't be a Kim Poole post if it had no information about credit! So course here is a resource for free credit counseling and restoration. www.beehive.org

7. Baltimore Free University -

The formerly known Baltimore Free University is now offering classes. Now known as the Baltimore Lyceum, classes are held at John Hopkins university campus all year long. If your a Renaissance man/women and you love to learn on a budget, this is the school for you. To register, visit the Village Learning place at 2521 ST Paul st. Baltimore MD

8. Free Fall Baltimore -

Right now Baltimore's vibrant cultural community is busy making plans to offer another full month of unique and free arts experiences for all to enjoy during October 2008. Get ready to be inspired by musical performances, theater, film, workshops, dance, lectures, and museums - a showcase of all the best of Baltimore's creative community and all for free. Visit www.freefallbaltimore.com for a calendar of events

9. Local Dry Cleaners -

Hey, did you know that every dry cleaner gives away clothing that people never come back to get...

10. IDA Accounts -

Ok, so you knew about all these sacred savings secrets already... I bet you didn't know that the government gave out free money. Thats right FREE money. There are many IDA accounts across the country that offer a monetary match for young adults looking to jump start thier finances. If this is you... Google it!

So... Now you think you night want to join the Coupon Clipping Club!!! Well let us know what sacred saving secrets you have and we might consider it! LOL