
Doing the Right Thing

Okay so this week, I was hit by another car on my motorcycle, they just didn't seem me. Now I'm okay ( with a few bumps and bruises) but the motorcycle was pretty bad. So I called 911 and since the driver who hit me drove off (hit and run) I had to call my own insurance. But after my deductible and the rise in my yearly insurance, it seems that it would have been better to just take it to a someone to fix and pay out of my own pocket. So Ive got to ask everyone what would you have done? I now recommend if you ever get into an accident and either it was your fault or one one got the tag number,think about paying for it out of your own pocket before calling your insurance. It may cost more in the beginning but in the long run you may be saving money. Anyone else got any insurance stories?


Gwen Oloto said...

Hey Steven,

I'am sorry to hear that you got in an accident. But I glad to also hear that your O.K... Riding on your motorcycle is a pretty dangerous thing to do. But I'am not one to talk because I like the idea of motorcyles. But I do hear that its hard to see people when there riding because there going so fast. Stop being a bad boy. Ha! Ha! That person who hit and run, I hope is feeling pretty guilty. Shame on whoever did that. It's to bad you have to pay for it. Thats not fair. But if paying out of your own pocket will save you money than do so. I will pray that you will recover fast even if its just bumps and bruises because you really could have gotten hurt. Again ,I'am really sorry you have the bill to pay for.But at least your O.K.

Abby Campbell said...

Well depending on how much my car was worth would decide what I would have done. If it was an old car and damage only costing a few hundred I would just get someone to fix it because as soon as you tell your insurance company you were in an accident your premiums go up which will cost more in the long run than the upfront costs of fixing your car.

Kim Poole said...

Hey Steve,
You ride to class on a motorcycle everyday...That's so cool! I don't drive because parking has been a problem, but maybe I should give my biking skills a try. What do you think?

Sierra said...

Omg... I am so sorry to hear that Steven. I am glad that you are okay but it is unfortunate that the driver drove off. The driver is a terrible person for that but what goes around comes around, so I believe that the driver will pay in the long run. Calling the insurance company seems a lost because they will raise your monthly rate but I am sure you want help paying for your motorcycle.