
Credit 101: Journey to financial literacy Day 4

Good evening class,
Welcome to the fourth day on our journey to financial literacy. Though it has taking us longer than expected to arrive at our destination, do not be alarmed. Emanicipating yourself from the American financial value system is a life long journey. We all have tickets for this flight, but I often find myself flying this plane and building it too. So...Does anyone want to change flights? LOL! Well it's too late

Last class we discussed our Credit Report Restoration plan and the importance of step one and changing your thinking. Today well discuss what to change your mind set into.


Abby Campbell said...

I always enjoy reading your blog posts. What is your major again, because you would be a great teacher. What to change your mindset to is an excellent topic because I feel so many people have no idea what is good and bad when it comes to finances and it it different for everyone but there are some basics for everyone! I am still trying to decide what to do for my outreach and with school just starting I feel so behind, but I still have a week to decide I guess so I will think of something!

Gwen Oloto said...

Hey Kim,

I agree with what abby says that you would be a interesting teacher.I think your very creative with your wording and you thinking outside of the box makes you very creative.I do think that people should learn new ways on how to handle there money.I still also thinking of a new way to do my outreach project.How about you? Well keep up the good work!

Kim Poole said...

You guys are great!! I will be starting the financial literacy series in Baltimore city schools very soon..

Abby Campbell said...

I heard a bit about your financial literacy series in Baltimore City but I didn't hear why you decided to do it. Is it something with school or was it something you just decided would be a good idea to implement. I give you kudos for going out there and doing that it is a great thing and I think a lot of people will benefit from your series. I bet it is taking up a lot of time and you are probably pretty overwhelmed. I would try to help you out some if you need anything but I cannot commit to anything yet. I have a very busy schedule myself but if you do need anything small done just let me know and I will try my best to help!

Sierra said...

Wow Kim, I did not know that you were a teacher! I thought you wanted to be a singer...lol

I believe everyones mind set should be positive and goal oriented. Try to achieve one goal at a time and never loose focus.