
Doing the Right Thing

Okay so this week, I was hit by another car on my motorcycle, they just didn't seem me. Now I'm okay ( with a few bumps and bruises) but the motorcycle was pretty bad. So I called 911 and since the driver who hit me drove off (hit and run) I had to call my own insurance. But after my deductible and the rise in my yearly insurance, it seems that it would have been better to just take it to a someone to fix and pay out of my own pocket. So Ive got to ask everyone what would you have done? I now recommend if you ever get into an accident and either it was your fault or one one got the tag number,think about paying for it out of your own pocket before calling your insurance. It may cost more in the beginning but in the long run you may be saving money. Anyone else got any insurance stories?


Back to school

This past summer I was away almost every other week on conferences for school or on vacation which led me to not having enough time to hold a job, which meant this school year I did not have nearly as much money saved up as I had hoped. So this year when I came back to school I found a job on campus which I was extremely happy about, but since I am a student and very involved on campus I am only able to work around 15 hours a week. Now I am very lucky to have my parents paying for most of my tuition but I still have to pay for the utilities and food for my apartment which adds up very fast when I don't bring in a large amount of money every week.

So since I am trying to my best to still be able to save some of the money I earn each week I am trying the the whole coupon thing for the grocery store. Now my mom clips coupons but still buys things with out one if she can but I am trying to only buy items on sale or with a coupon and I shop the sale ads each week. I have found that a local grocery store seems to have the best sale items and what I don't buy there I will get at Target, Target has a lot of non-perishable foods for a good price. So last week when I went to the grocery store I had my wallet full of coupons and I wrote out a list of things that I needed and a few things that I wanted that were in the sale ad. When I finally had everything and checked out I was excited to see that I saved $17.55, So my total bill came to $23.13 I saved almost half by just shopping the sales and using coupons, and everything I bought was pretty much brand name good items I didn't just by the cheap stuff at the store.

It is possible to save money and still by good quality items if you shop around and make a list. I find when I go to the store with out a list I tend to buy stuff I didn't need and will probably go bad, so I always make a good list with things I need and I tend to put just one or two items that I really want, i.e. snacks so I don't go out in the middle of the week for a craving that I am having.


Focus Group Part 2

Please check your emails for which institutions you are researching and what questions you must answer for Focus Group Project #2!

Meet Abby (photo-right), who has been fabulous at keeping up with all these projects and submitting everything on time--Kudos!!
This will be an important exercise as we research the financial institutions in our area to see how well they are doing meeting your needs as an individual of Gen Y.

What are institutions doing right? What are they doing wrong? And do you even notice?

Do you spend the time to research your options when looking for a checking or savings account? What about loans? Or is it just what's most convenient regardless of fees or interest rates?


Possible Debt or School Loan?

Not only are gas prices rising but school tuition is rising also.
Lately, I have been faced with the question that many working college kids seem to ask. How should I pay for school? In our society where gas prices are changing every week, how does a college kid budget accordingly. Knowing that a new semester of college has rolled around, I started receiving endless amounts of my account balance, what option should I choose? I have to make it fast. Should I take out a loan for school and pay it back once I graduate.Or should I pay the bill off and live pay check to pay check keeping myself wide open to possible debt?If you were me, what would you do?


Credit 101: Journey to financial literacy Day 4

Good evening class,
Welcome to the fourth day on our journey to financial literacy. Though it has taking us longer than expected to arrive at our destination, do not be alarmed. Emanicipating yourself from the American financial value system is a life long journey. We all have tickets for this flight, but I often find myself flying this plane and building it too. So...Does anyone want to change flights? LOL! Well it's too late

Last class we discussed our Credit Report Restoration plan and the importance of step one and changing your thinking. Today well discuss what to change your mind set into.

Don't forget to CALL ME!!!!

Hey GABbers!

I thought I would remind you via your wonderous blog that we are having our September phone conversation tomorrow Thursday September 4th at 7PM.

Check your email for the call-in information!